
Smart devices for our seniors

A key reason why I went on a blitz to make my home smarter, was to reduce the difficulties that my aged parents were frequently confronting. Let’s face it, when we get older, a lot of our faculties degrade: vision, balance, memory etc. Two challenges that my parents had to [...]

By |2 May 2021|Categories: Home Automation, Technology|Tags: , |0 Comments

The choice between analogue and digital

I bet you’ve gotten a little sick hearing the term digital. It’s paired with almost everything now- digital voice, digital currency, or the ephemeral digital space. In my last post on cybersecurity, I even used the phrase Digital Resilience. But what exactly is digital? It’s not an easy term to [...]

By |2 April 2021|Categories: Miscellaneous|0 Comments

Project management cheat sheet

Modern businesses recognise the importance of driving innovation and continuous improvement through team-based projects. This does not mean, however, that organisations have gotten smarter at selecting the correct type of projects. In my cheat sheet, I list four mistakes that I had personally made early in my career. 1. Selecting [...]

By |2 March 2021|Categories: Miscellaneous|0 Comments

Optimus Prime and Design Experience

Much like how every part of Optimus Prime’s robot body is engineered for the sole purpose of destroying his mortal enemies, the Decepticons; service has to start focusing on engineering meaningful experiences for the customer. Bill Buxton, principal researcher at Microsoft Research, once wrote an article about the emerging discipline [...]

By |16 February 2021|Categories: Business, Service|0 Comments

Experience engineering for happier customers

It’s 8:30 am. You reach the office and turn on the computer. To your horror, the machine refuses to start. You take a deep breath, recollect yourself, and put in a call to your company’s IT Helpdesk. When the line finally connects, an agent tells you in a businesslike voice: [...]

By |2 February 2021|Categories: Service|0 Comments
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